Electronics can be fun!?
Do you still have your doubts? Why don’t you participate in one of our summer workshops: we’ll start with a robotic workshop in our Berlin Maker Store on August, 8th.
Have you always wanted to build and program your own robot? Then this workshop is the right one for you: first you’ll assemble an “mBot” that you can assemble. Afterwards you’ll get an introduction into the Arduino based Scratch programming and you have the possibility to teach your robot all kinds of things – everything is possible.
In our “Electronics for beginners” workshop for people from 10 years onwards, we would like to introduce you to the most important basics of electronics. You will learn what exactly an electronic circuit is, how a resistor functions in series and in parallel and what you can do with a transistor. Then you will build your own alarm system that you can take home after the workshop.
In the “Electronics for advanced” workshop you can deepen your knowledge regarding electronic engineering: You will get to know electrical condensers, inductors, relays, transistors and field-effect transistors. Additionally, you will build electronic circuits (with a timer 555), logic circuits, circuits with oscillators and/or amplifiers.
In our “Arduino coding workshop” we introduce you to digital electronics and to coding of microcontrollers and the related necessary basics. We let it blink with LEDs and deal with analogue digital converters, I2C bus, keys and bounces, relays, rotation monitors and OLEDs.
In addition, we offer a soldering workshop that is supposed to be for all people interested in soldering. First, you will get to know the necessary equipment, like soldering iron and tin solder and then you will become active: solder your own brick badges and take it home after the workshop.
Register now – there are only a few places still available!